Early History

Warranted on 23rd August, 1862 as 926 EC, THE MOUNT LODGE was the Third Lodge in the City of Madras, the other Two being LODGE PERFECT UNANIMITY 150 EC and LODGE UNIVERSAL CHARITY 272 EC.

There is evidence to show that THE MOUNT LODGE had been in existence under another Banner from 1797 onwards till 1861 when the WARRANT was surrendered and RECONSTITUTED under the new name THE MOUNT LODGE . Therefore if this period of 64 years is taken into consideration we can RIGHTFULLY say that THE MOUNT LODGE has been in EXISTENCE for 225 years as of now in the year 2022.


The Consecration and Installation of the First Master Bro.J.R.Magreth was held on 24.06.1862, under a Local Warrant dated 21.06.1862 and appears to have taken place in the Residence of Bro.Magreth.


Bro.S.Rajagopalachari was the First Indian Brother of the Lodge admitted in 1884. W.Bro.Lt.Col.Chatterjee was the First Indian Master of Military Rank in 1904 while Bro.Sreenivasa Mudaliar, Initiated on 04.08.1909 became the First Indian Civilian Master in November 1912. Bro.T.Hari Rao was the First Indian Secretary of the Lodge in 1912. W.Bro.C.J.M.Moore { 1882 } was Deputy District Grand Master from 1886 till 1889 and then was District Grand Master in 1891.

Two Governors of Madras Presidency, Lord Connemara {1887} and Lord Ampthill { 1901 } were installed in Office by W.Bro.C.J.M.Moore. W.Bro.Breaturoix who became District Grand secretary in 1868 held the office continuously till 31.08.1901 and was presented a Gold Secretary’s Jewel for his 33 years of Service.


THE MOUNT LODGE met on the 1st WEDNESDAY of Every Month till 1906 , after which it was CHANGED to the PRESENT 1st SATURDAY of every Month. In 1912 , The Installation of Master was shifted from the Month of MAY to NOVEMBER.

THE MOUNT LODGE had its own Temple in ST.THOMAS MOUNT and were meeting there till 1967 when the Building was taken over by the MINISTRY OF DEFENCE. An important point to note was thet there was no Electricty in the Temple till 1933.

Thereafter THE MOUNT LODGE commenced its Meetings at FREEMASONS HALL, EGMORE.It is pertinent to note that THE MOUNT LODGE donated Rs.15,900/= for the Building of this Temple at EGMORE and One of our Master W.Bro.Raja of Venkatagiri { 1918 } also made his Personal Contribution of Rs.15,000/= for the Construction of this Building at EGMORE.

In the year 2014 W.Bro.Venkat Natarajan instituted a Permanent Endownment Corpus Fund Donation {in the memory of his Late Parents Lakshmi and Natarajan} of Rs.2,00,000/= under the MERCI Scheme of The RGL Charitable Trust. The Annual Interest { currently approx Rs.13,000/=} is available to The Mount Lodge as Educational Assistance for a Girl Child and has to be claimed every year from RGLSI by the Current Ruling Master after getting the Form duly signed by the Current ARGM of the Lodge along with Bonafide Testimonials of the Girl Child.

In the very Recent Time in 2020 under the MASTERSHIP of W.Bro.P.Pasupathinathan THE MOUNT LODGE held it’s CONSECRATION DAY CELEBRATIONS MEETING at ST.THOMAS MOUNT as a REMEMBRANCE of the OLD TIMES and having a Feeling of Going Back to its ROOTS. For the First time the Names of the Members of THE MOUNT LODGE was made a part of The Summons from 1906.

The CREST of the LODGE was Originally the COMPASSES and the SQUARE. From 20.03.1909 the CREST was enclosed on a Board held in the Right Hand of THE PATRON SAINT. The Summons in the Early days were well designed with Figures of Working Tools printed in the Borders.From 1958 the words ” MASONRY LIVES TO HELP AND HELPS MEN TO LIVE” was added.

The Lodge Motto ” MONTES UNDE AUXILIUM ” means ” THE HILLS FROM WHENCE COMETH MY HELP “. This Motto is from the three Latin words of the First Verse of PSALM 2. The Summons underwent a Total Recast into a Fan Fold of 6 pages form 16.11.1984 and ” MOUNTTIDINGS” which was a One Page Newsletter was incorporated into it. Till 1978 the names of only those Past Masters of THE MOUNT LODGE were included in the List of PASTMASTERS. However from 1978 the Names of all Brethren who were Past Masters of Other Lodges and had joined THE MOUNT LODGE were also included in the List of PASTMASTERS. Internal Seniority amongst the PASTMASTERS was introduced in the summons from 01.11.1984.


In 1908 Mr.L.T.Edney and Mr.Francis Smythe , the Chauffer and Clerk of The GOVERNOR of MADRAS were Initiated. Bro.Herbert Audrey was Initiated on 01.08.1908, Passed on 08.08.1908 and Raised on 15.08.1908 by Special Dispensation under Rule 185 of the B of C. The District Grand Master R.W.Bro. Archibald Campbell attended the Initiation Ceremony of his Personal Clerk in 1933 and Delivered the Charge After Initiation. The Mount Lodge was a Founder Member of Masonic Nursing Home in Madras in 1931. Honorary Member W.Bro.Alexander MacDougal conducted a Cermony on 08.01.1944.

Till 1945 all the Candidates Initiated, Passed or Raised were after the Respective Ceremonies were placed in the Centre of the Lodge and Hailed. V.W.Bro.K.G.Veeraraghavan , Senior warden in 1945 stood aloof and allowed Junior Warden Bro.T.M. Narayanaswami Pillai to be elected Unanimously as Master for the year 1945. THE MOUNT LODGE carried a Resolution at its Meeting on 07.02.1948, despite the Fact that Masons having to abstain from every Topic of Political Discussions in the Temple, Expressing Sorrow and Grief at the Assassination of the Mahatma on 30.01.1948 and adjourned without transacting any other Business. At that Meeting Bro.Samuel is stated to have remarked on authority that the Mahatma was a mason , though Unattached.

During the Mastershio of W.Bro.P.N.Sundara Rajan { 1950 } THE MOUNT LODGE set a Record of 17 Initiations, 13 Passing and 9 Raisings during the year and we still believe that this is a Record Unparalled even today. Till 1966 there was Perambulation in each of the Three degrees at the Installation Ceremony. The Past Masters of the Lodge started giving the Charges to the Master, Warden and the Brethren commencing from the Installation of W.Bro.R.Vaidyanathan in 1980.


THE MOUNT LODGE recommended the Application for ” LODGE VIDYA ” in 1961. THE MOUNT LODGE sponsored LODGE BHARATHI No.161 in 1964, LODGE SRINIVASA GOPALA No.190 in 1969 and LODGE MOUNT CHARITY No.232 in 1978. At the Consecration of LODGE MOUNT CHARITY, The Grand Master of Grand Lodge of India, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Belgium, Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Western Australia and the Grand Master of Grand Lodge of Thailand were Present. The Mount Lodge sponsored LODGE SATSANG NO.396 which was consecrated on 30th April 2015 and LODGE ATITHI No.397 which was consecrated on 16th May 2015. 


It is a tradition to honour the PAST MASTERS of the Lodge by making the October Meeting {also the Election Meeting} as Past Masters Night when all the Past Masters in the Lodge occupy the Offices and Conduct the Ceremony. This serves not only as a Refresher for the Past Masters but also an exercise for emulation by the other brethren. Somewhere down the Line there has been a change and the Past Masters Night is now being held in December. In the recent past from 2017 every year 3 Past Masters of the Lodge are being Honoured at every Consecration Day Night Celebrations held in September which is also a Family Night where all members of the Families are invited to attend. As a general preface it must be mentioned that all Masters of the Lodge have been actively involved in the Rituals and Ceremonies and maintain a Harmonius and Supportive Relations with all Brethren.

THE MOUNT LODGE had its Own Temple in St.Thomas Mount from 1919. There was No ELECTRICTY till 1933. THE MOUNT LODGE donated Rs.15,900

The Mount Lodge 14 Warrant 

Commemoration Volume 1862 – 1962 

Commemoration Volume 1862 – 2012