
Charity program on the day of Installation went on very well today at Arasoor Sri Partha Sarathi Veda Padasala. Our Master Elect Bro.Puvvada Srinivas has donated 3 bags of Rice and 3 units of Monthly provisions with 21 items. Dhoties and Towels organised by R.W.Bro.V.S.Kylas were also dedicated today as the Vidyarthis have just returned from homes after Diwali.


On 11th March 2023 , We gave a cheque for Rs. 1 lac cheque from our Mount Lodge Charitable Trust account to Radhatri Nethralaya - being the 1st installment of funds collected towards "Save the vision of Preterm Babies.


We are very happy to inform that on 17th March 2023, We gave a cheque for Rs 1.50 lacs cheque from our Mount Lodge Charitable Trust account to Radhatri Nethralaya - being the 2nd installment of funds collected towards -

"Save the vision of Preterm Babies"

Our ARGM, W Bro.B.Selva Ganesh was present during that event. We also witnessed the screening of Eyes of a preterm baby. With this we have donated Rs.2.50 lacs towards the Eye Project.
Dr.Devarajan- M.D, Child Specialist who has created a department for Preterm Babies at Government hospital at Kuwait accompanied us for presentation of cheque to Radhatri Nethralaya.

Dr.Devarajan took keen interest in our projects and appreciated our Charity activities. Few pictures of today's event shared for your view and feedback.


On 1st April 2023, Our Lodge has donated a Cheque of Rs. 80000/= to Radhadri Netralaya. The cheque is handed over by W.Bro. P. SELVA GANESH the Worshipful ARGM of our lodge.

Appreciation letters from BENEFICIARIES